Online Program Magister Cybersecurity
Lanskap cybersecurity memerlukan para profesional yang memiliki pemahaman yang kokoh dan terus berkembang mengenai prinsip keamanan, teknologi, dan praktik terbaik. Kurikulum ini bertujuan untuk membangun keahlian tersebut melalui kombinasi landasan teoretis dan aplikasi praktis.

Peluang Kerja Lulusan Magister Cybersecurity
Analis Keamanan Siber
Bertanggung jawab untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi potensi ancaman terhadap data dan sistem perusahaan, serta menerapkan solusi keamanan yang relevan.
Penetration Tester (Ethical Hacker)
Menggunakan teknik peretasan untuk menguji dan mengevaluasi keamanan sistem dan jaringan, serta memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan untuk mengatasi kerentanan.
Ahli Forensik Digital
Menggunakan keterampilan teknis untuk menyelidiki insiden keamanan dan mengumpulkan bukti, serta menganalisis data untuk memahami serangan dan dampaknya.
Manajer Keamanan Informasi
Mengawasi dan mengelola kebijakan keamanan informasi perusahaan, memastikan bahwa semua data dan sistem dilindungi dari ancaman.
Konsultan Keamanan Siber
Memberikan nasihat kepada organisasi tentang praktik terbaik keamanan siber dan membantu mereka merancang strategi pengamanan yang sesuai.
Arsitek Keamanan
Merancang dan membangun infrastruktur keamanan untuk organisasi, termasuk sistem, kebijakan, dan prosedur keamanan yang diperlukan untuk melindungi aset digital.
Spesialis Keamanan Jaringan
Fokus pada keamanan jaringan dengan menggunakan berbagai alat dan teknik untuk memantau dan melindungi jaringan dari ancaman eksternal.
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Memimpin kebijakan dan strategi keamanan siber perusahaan, menjadi tanggung jawab utama dalam melindungi informasi dan teknologi organisasi.
Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Program Magister Cybersecurity
Terdapat 15 rumpun mata kuliah dengan total 54 SKS di dalam program Magister Cybersecurity. Anda dapat mempelajari dokumen Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) berikut untuk memahami capaian pembelajaran, detail rencana pembelajaran, dan aspek penilaian tiap mata kuliah.
The Advanced Network Security specialization is designed for Network Security Analysts, Information Technology (IT) Managers, or Cybersecurity Consultants to further their understanding of advanced network security techniques. In this 3-course specialization, learners will compare next-generation firewalls with traditional firewalls, analyze use cases of next-generation firewalls in real-world situations, understand the role of intrusion prevention systems in network security, and evaluate the effectiveness of an intrusion prevention system. Learners will also learn to effectively respond to identified threats and design a strategy for ongoing network monitoring and threat response.
Learning outcomes:
- Analyze various network threats and determine how next-generation firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) can mitigate these threats.
- Configure and manage next-generation firewalls and IPS to enhance network security.
- Assess security risks inherent in cloud and hybrid network infrastructures and implement appropriate mitigation strategies.
- Design and apply security controls to protect data and resources within cloud and hybrid environments, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations.
This course provides an in-depth understanding of business process management (BPM) and system design methodologies, emphasizing operations management and information systems integration. Students will learn to analyze, model, optimize, and automate business processes using industry tools and frameworks.
Learning outcomes:
- Define and explain business process structures and workflows.
- Evaluate inefficiencies in business operations and propose optimizations.
- Use BPMN and system modeling tools to map and improve processes.
- Implement process automation strategies with digital tools.
- Assess the impact of business process transformation in organizations.
- Develop real-world case studies on process automation and digitalization.
This course explores cybersecurity communities, their governance, and practical applications in ethical hacking, blockchain security, and AI-driven cyber defense. Students will develop hands-on skills in penetration testing, threat intelligence, decentralized security frameworks, and AI applications in cybersecurity.
Learning outcomes:
- Analyze cybersecurity community structures, policies, and governance.
- Evaluate cybersecurity governance policies and frameworks for risk management.
- Demonstrate ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cyber threat analysis.
- Apply forensic techniques in digital investigation and incident response.
- Implement security frameworks for blockchain and decentralized applications.
- Develop AI-based solutions for cybersecurity risk assessment and digital forensics.
This course covers IT infrastructure principles, including cloud computing, virtualization, security, and automation. Students will explore IT system design, implementation, and maintenance strategies, focusing on enterprise IT management. Hands-on activities will provide experience in troubleshooting, optimizing IT resources, and securing IT environments using industry-standard tools and frameworks.
Learning outcomes:
- Analyze IT infrastructure components and their role in enterprise systems.
- Evaluate and configure cloud and virtualization environments.
- Implement network security, backup, and disaster recovery solutions.
- Apply IT service management frameworks for system maintenance.
- Automate IT processes using AI and cloud-based tools.
- Develop IT optimization strategies for enterprise infrastructure.
This course thoroughly examines operating system security principles, covering authentication, access control, encryption, security configurations, system administration, and vulnerability management. Students will develop hands-on skills in securing Linux and Windows systems, identifying security threats, and applying security best practices aligned with industry frameworks.
Learning outcomes:
- Explain authentication, access control, and encryption techniques in operating systems.
- Configure security settings and harden operating systems against cyber threats.
- Analyze and assess operating system vulnerabilities using security tools.
- Implement security policies and apply forensic analysis in response to security incidents.
- Security frameworks, such as CIS benchmarks and NIST guidelines, are applied in system security management.
Secure cloud systems and address compliance issues.
Focus on software design, agile development, and architecture.
Learn secure coding practices and lifecycle management.
Prepare for roles in threat detection and incident response.
Focus on cryptographic principles and secure data handling.
Lead cybersecurity initiatives and ensure compliance with governance frameworks.
Plan and execute offensive and defensive cybersecurity strategies.
Apply discrete mathematics and cryptography in cybersecurity.
A cybercrime course will explore information security, ethical and legal practices, and cyber vulnerabilities defenses, including key terms and concepts in cyberlaw, intellectual property and cybercrimes.
Complete a real-world cybersecurity project to demonstrate mastery.